Veneto - Atlas of Good Counsel

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Church "Our Lady of Good Counsel"
 Address: Via Caprano, 16, 35044 Roveredo di Gua' – Verona

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Wayside Shrine Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via Cal Dea Piera, 20, 31046 Oderzo TV
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Oratory Our Lady of Good Counsel
 Galliera Veneta (PD)
 Parish of Santa Maria Maddalena
Diocese of Treviso
Triveneto ecclesiastical region
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Oratory Our Lady of Good Counsel
Church - Subsidiary - San Martino Buon Albergo (VR)
Parish of San Martino Vescovo
Diocese of Verona Ecclesiastical region of Triveneto
Image beweb

Oratory Our Lady of Good Counsel
Subsidiary Church
Via Garibaldi - Castelbaldo (Padua)
Parish of San Prosdocimo
Ecclesiastical Region Triveneto - Diocese of Padua
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