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For more information contact:
Atlas of Good Counsel at the
House of Good Counsel Blessed Stefano Bellesini
Address: Via del Senile 2,
Postal Code 00030
Phone: 0039.3927109988
info@atlantebuonconsiglio.com - www.atlantebuonconsiglio.com
For suggestions, changes to the site, notification of additional churches, oratories, chapels, newsstands, icons:

Website X5  Graphic Support by Angela Nanni

The Virgin Mother of Good Counsel: A history of the ancient Sanctuary of Our Lady
of Good Counsel in Genazzano, and the wonderful Apparition and Miraculous Translation of
Her Sacred Image from Scutari in Albania to Genazzano in 1467.
Here some links to the new english versions 2010 - 2022
and right after the download of the italian translation in 1893 of the original english version

Below some images extracted from the work of Monsignor Dillon

One of the multiple images of the Mother and Her Child

The coming of the Sacred Image in a lithograph by M. Pifferi

The coming of the Sacred Image followed by Albanian pilgrims Giorgi and De Sclavis  
in a picture of the Church o Genazzano

The Sacred Image revered by Pious Devotees S. Alfonso M. de Liguori
Venerable Father Beledini Blessed Petruccia
at the Shrine in Genazzano

The ancient Chapel

Roman gate Genazzano

The Column Palace from the garden

Image not belonging to the previous volume.
Archive Dino Cutarelli

Genazzano city of Mary, until the beginning of the last century
one of the largest pilgrimage destinations in the world.
Archive Dino Cutarelli

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