🏰  Genazzano - Atlas of Good Counsel

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That April 25, 1467 The Sweetest Mother, fleeing from Scutari finding no more enchanting place than this
came to stay among us. What an immense grace.

The Atlas of Good Counsel Association has included in the statute the objective of enhancing the many treasures of this enchanted village, 
which has escaped dangers of all kinds over the centuries.  Many argue that only a Divine protection could have protected it from the bombings 
of the Second World War that razed many nearby towns as well as from the many earthquakes that have followed one another 
over the centuries and which has returned it almost intact in all its millenary charm.  
For a long time in the past it was defined as the small Loreto of Lazio; another story, unknown to most, 
described the city as the little Venice on the hill, certainly not because of the canals despite being rich in springs, 
but for the never fully exploited link with Saint Mark on 
that April 25, 1467 and because of the incredible concentration 
of historical-artistic-cultural assets in such a small space.

"In the year 1467 of the incarnation of the Son of God,
on the feast of Saint Mark, on vespers,
the Image of the Mother of God
which you venerate in the marble tribune of this temple

These words, with the marvelous fresco carried by Angels and depicting Mary with the Son above them, have welcomed pilgrims
 who visit the sanctuary of the Mother of Good Counsel in Genazzano for over five centuries. For centuries on April 25, 
the day of the prodigious event,the "Fireworks of San Marco" scattered throughout the city, warmed pilgrims and locals on the road 
to the Sanctuary. An association proposal is in progress, an affiliation, partnership, twinning, depending on availability, 
with the most beautiful city in the world first and then with all the cities of the Good Council of the Atlas 
starting from Shkodra, Loreto, Bom Conselho-Brasil and finally making Genazzano  what it has always been, 
"the Capital of Good Counsel in the World", maintaining or recreating the link with the cities of the surrounding 
area, some of which are even richer in history and art such as Subiaco, Anagni, Tivoli and the ancient Preneste (Palestrina)

Saint Mark - Venice - venicewiki.org

Guglielmo Blaeuw
Physical-political globe (1645)

This magnificent globe (Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula), so richly decorated, 
is also one of the most complete and updated of the century. XVII. It is an overview of man's conquest of the earth: 
one of the most expressive documents in terms of figure and among the most significant in terms of content. 
Guglielmo Blaeuw attributes the paternity (auctore) to himself, qualifying a work that effectively stands out among 
so much anonymous and commercial cartography. This card is part of Theatrum Orbis Terrarum sive Atlas Novus 
in quo Tabulae et Descriptiones Omnium Regionum. Editae a Guiljelmo and Joanne Blaeu. Amsterdam, apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. 
Year MDCXXXXV. The reader should note the oscillating forms Blaeu and Blaeuw, which indicate the same surname and in the usage of the time,
 were legally permitted. Scientific seriousness and harmonious decoration, already in an overabundant Baroque taste, 
characterize the fundamental elements of Flemish geocartographic publishing, which converge in this Table. 
Many historical sources identify the presence of the Sacred Icon overseas in this period.

The underlying video is taken from - Italian Villages (TV2000) XXIII episode.
Original video


The Sanctuary of Loreto was built in the place where, according to legend, the home of the Virgin Mary
would have been prodigiously transported by the Angels in the night between 9 and 10 December 1294,
hence the clear analogy with the miracle of Good Counsel of April 25, 1467.
It dates back to the 4th century, is the destination of continuous pilgrimages and is considered the Italian "Lourdes",
and consequently led Genazzano to be the small Loreto of Lazio for centuries.
The conviction of this miraculous "flying" translation
prompted Pope Benedict XV to name the Blessed Virgin of Loreto
"Patroness of all aeronautics".

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