Thanks - Atlas of Good Counsel

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These pages and our prayers
to the Mother of Good Counsel
they are for His Holiness
Pope Francis

Thanks to the Chaplains of the Sanctuary of Lourdes O.M.I., Father Nicola Ventriglia, Father Giuseppe Serighelli, 
to Father Giovanni Atzori who invoked the "Mother of Good Counsel" in the Rosary of the Protomartyrs in the Pilgrimage 
of Good Counsel in Lourdes in 2022. Thanks to Barbara Labate who took me to Don Carlo Stanzial, LeeAnn Weibel 
and all the friends of the UEPP Center.

Link to the rosary of June 30, 2022
Link to the rosary of June 29, 2022
Thanks to the Passionist Fathers of the Monastery-Sanctuary of Santa Gemma Galgani in Via di Tiglio in Lucca
and to the Priests of the Sanctuary of the Mother of Good Counsel of Genazzano O.S.A:
The Rector Father Ludovico Maria Centra
The Prior Father Giovanni Gisondi
Father Paolo Angelone
Father Ambrogio Tshibangu Tshiasuma
Father Alberto Giovannetti
Father Rocco Ronzani
the layman Salvatore Fucci
A prayer of great gratitude to Father Lorenzo Petruccini, a great Latinist, our benefactor.
A memory of the late colleague Filippo Rossi who with his book of proverbs brought me back to my roots and of Dr. Maria Morelli,
my guide in the memoirs of Blessed Stefano Bellesini, who left us too soon.
Thanks to Dino Cutarelli and Ave Galizia who started this project by giving us the first Commodore 64.
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