Sicily - Atlas of Good Counsel

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 Chiesa of Most Holy Mary of Good Counsel
 Church - Subsidiary
Via Aloi, 109 - Palermo (Palermo)
Parish of Maria SS del Buon Consiglio
Ecclesiastical Region Sicily Diocese of Palermo

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Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
and St. Barbara
Address: SS116, 9, 98074 Naso ME - Metropolitan city of Messina -

Google image Massimiliano Vigilante

Google image fili ferra


Church of the Holy Mary of Good Counsel in Saint Lucia
 Address: Viale Italia, 105, 96011 Augusta SR  Libero consorzio comunale di Siracusa
 Telephone: 0931 981142

google street view

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Church - Subsidiary
Niscemi (Caltanissetta)
Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Diocese of Piazza Armerina Ecclesiastical region of Sicily
Image Beweb Catholic Church
Confraternity of Good Counsel
 Church of Saint Augustine
 Address: Piazza S. Agostino 90012 Caccamo – Palermo

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