Presentation - Atlas of Good Counsel

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This 2022 edition can only be a non-exhaustive first publication in consideration of the times and means available. 
The following pages are born as an Atlas of the Churches in the world, those of the Buon Consiglio are listed here, 
which represent a small part of this immense work and humbly hope for the birth of an atlas of faith in these times without a compass, 
where we can orient ourselves turns, in the fog of consciences, to the tangible signs of faith over time.
Freely taken from the work of Blessed Carlo Acutis

The Blessed Carlo Acutis
inspired by the life journey of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, in prayer in the Church of the Good Counsel of Magenta
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
finished processing during the pilgrimages to Lourdes

Lourdes from another perspective
and in Saint Gemma in Lucca

Saint Gemma Galgani
and finally took shape as a project in the penitentiary chapel of Blessed Stefano Bellesini

The Blessed Stefano Bellesini
with the comfort of images and the presence of saints and blesseds

With all the Saints and Blesseds of the Mother of Good Counsel Shrine in Genazzano

St. Benedict Joseph Labre, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Rita, St. Augustine, St. Monica, St. Nicholas, St. Bernard of Clever, 
St. Gaspare del Bufalo, St. Nicholas of Tolentino, St. John Bosco, St. Thomas of Cori, St. Luigi Orione , St. Paul of the Cross, 
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, St. Clement, St. Hannibal of France, Blessed Maria Teresa Ledochowska, Blessed José Agustín Fariña, 
Blessed Modestino of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce, Blessed Arnold Janssen. Blessed Michele Rua, 
Blessed Maria Caterina Troiani, Blessed Diego Oddi, Venerable Maria Potter, Venerable Francesco Antonio Marcucci 
of the Immaculate Conception, Venerable Maria Olivia Bonaldo of the Mystical Body, 
the Servant of God Matteo de Angelis, Father Vincenzo Ida, Father Joseph Simler, 
Father Amilcare Boccio, Father Leone Dehon, Mother Margherita Diomira Crispi, Father Ernesto Busnelli, Father Plinio Correa de Oliveira, 
Giuseppina Pavoni.The Blessed Petruccia di Ienco, who announced to her fellow citizens the completion of the
church of Genazzano by the Virgin and Saint Augustine;

The Blessed Petruccia
The Popes devoted to the Mother of Good Counsel:
Paul II - Sixtus IV - Alexander VI - Gregory XIII –
Innocent XI - Clement XI - Benedict XIV - Leo XIII
The pilgrim Popes:
Urban VIII - Blessed Pius IX - St. John XXIII - St. John Paul II - Benedict XVI

Saint John XXIII on a pilgrimage to Genazzano (photo 08/25/1959)

Saint John Paul II (04/22/1993)

Pope Benedict XVI (here Cardinal)

An unexpected help in the journeys to Fatima and Lisbon from the barefoot Carmelite nun,
Servant of God Lúcia dos Santos for her teaching of "perseverance faith humility", and from Saint Irenaeus of Lyons,
our protector in his lands during the stage of the Pilgrimage to Lourdes
in that of Aix en Provence.

These pages want to be a message of joy for the whole Carmelite community:
the "Sparks" of Father Raffaele Amendolagine (6/10/1932 - 30/3/2020) contained in the Blog of this site,
 they shine today more than ever in the hearts of all who knew him.

Father Raffaele with Saint John Paul II

Father Raffaele with Pope Francis

Father Raffaele during his mission in Africa and in front of the computer

Even for those who are not from Rome it should be quite easy to locate the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria in via XX Settembre, 
20 meters to the right of the Moses fountain. On a bright October day in 2014, with a heart filled with mourning and sadness despite 
the teachings of Father St. Augustine, entering this church, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and ecstatic in our eternal city, 
represented one of those moments of life in which a gesture, a word, a simple encounter, modifies the course of our eternal pilgrimage, 
of the little that is enough to illuminate, frame and finally focus on what appears to us, in its splendour, as the detail capable of give us a new, 
simple perspective of how the very essence of our being Christians often resides in the repetitiveness of gestures and good deeds of everyday 
life. This was the meeting with Father Raffaele, in a dark corner to the left of the entrance to the church, knowingly positioned 
as the most expert of sailors in the most suitable place to drop the nets like a good Tiberias fisherman.
Hence the habit of starting the day with those three lines sent by him on the email early in the morning, the "spark" in fact,
in some moments hotter and brighter than the sun, because sometimes a direction signal is enough to start again, because its sparks are 
seeds of peace…

Golden Bridge - Vietnam
The Mother of Good Counsel bridge between countries and cultures

In the first miracle of the Mother of Good Counsel there is the journey, the miraculous flight, well represented in the moment of her arrival 
at her destination by Prospero Piatti (cover of this atlas and main fresco of the Basilica of Genazzano) which leads us into the great devotion 
for Mother Good Counsel in the world, demonstrated by the incredible number of Churches between small temples and immense cathedrals 
(Naples, Krakow and New York above all as well as the city of Bom Conselho in Brazil). In this regard, I would like to quote a definition 
by Don Pasquale Ferraro, National Coordinator of the Albanian Christian Communities, regarding the Madonna del Buon Consiglio 
as "a bridge of figures, images, stories and the two points of reference are Genazzano and Scutari". 
"Flying with the angels she brought all the stories of the Albanians here to Italy but, in 1993, with John Paul II and Mother Teresa 
she returned home".

Heaven above Genazzano always seems to want to remind us of that April 25, 1467

Floral altar for Corpus Domini procession 2022 (Genazzano - Rome) with the two bell towers in evidence
St. Paul the Apostle and St. Mary of Good Counsel

A Brief History of Good Counsel
-  source  -
In the place where the Basilica of the Mother of Good Counsel stands today, there was an ancient church dedicated to the Virgin Mary 
since the 11th century. In 1356 the church was entrusted by the Colonna family, lords of Genazzano, to the Augustinian friars who lived i
n a small convent outside the walls around the year 1270. The notarial deed drawn upon delivery informs us that the church was a parish 
and was formerly called S. Maria del Buon Consiglio.
In the second half of the 15th century, an Augustinian widow and tertiary named Petruccia, who has always been venerated as a Blessed,
made all her possessions available to rebuild the old, small and dilapidated church. However, the resources were not sufficient and the work 
was suspended. Petruccia's fellow citizens began to mock her, but the pious woman replied to them: "My children, don't worry, 
because before I die (and she was already very old) the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Augustine will complete this Church".
According to an ancient tradition, it did not take long after Petruccia's prediction that on April 25, 1467, the feast of San Marco,
around the time of vespers, an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary miraculously appeared on a wall of the church in construction. 
The population was amazed not only by the prodigious event, but also and above all by the numerous miracles performed 
by the Blessed Virgin Mary, manifested in her beautiful Image. The graces and miracles received by the citizens of Genazzano 
and many other cities of Lazio were registered by a notary and then transcribed in a special register which was kept until the 19th century 
(the so-called Bombacino Code, i.e. on paper, or Code of Miracles). Between 27 April and 14 August 1467 alone, 161 miracles were recorded.

The miraculous event attracted crowds of devotees to Genazzano from nearby towns and then from every part of Italy (tota Italia commota est)
 and even Pope Paul II Barbo (1464-1471) sent two bishops to Genazzano as his observers: Gaucerio de Forcalquier bishop of Gap and 
Nicola de Crucibus bishop of Lesina. Not long after the miraculous event, two Albanian pilgrims recognized in the features of the Madonna of 
Genazzano the image venerated in Scutari in Albania which, in a no less miraculous way, had detached itself from the place where it was 
venerated and had abandoned those lands which would have fallen into the hands of the sultan. This tradition is still alive today, 
both in Genazzano which celebrates the "Coming" of the Holy Image on April 25 of each year, but also among the Catholic Albanians 
who invoke the Mother of Good Counsel with the ancient title of "Lady of Albania ”.
Uninterruptedly, from the fifteenth century to today, the mystical and maternal presence of Mary has never ceased to attract pilgrims
from everywhere and the sanctuary of Genazzano, considered a small "Loreto" of Lazio, is visited by thousands of pilgrims every year 
Italians and foreigners who bear witness to a grateful sonship to the Mother of the Lord.
Congregations of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
The Mother of Good Counsel is the titular of numerous religious institutes: the Sisters of Charity of Santa Maria (called of Good Counsel)
of Turin, the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Chicoutimi, the Franciscan Sisters of Recife and Madrid, 
the rural Madonna del Buon Consiglio of Pontremoli (later called "of the happy message"), the Mater Boni Consilii Institute of Verrua Savoia.

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