Lazio - Atlas of Good Counsel

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Basilica Sanctuary Mother 
of Good Counsel
The place of Apparition
Address: Corso Cardinali Vannutelli, 2, 00030 Genazzano RM - Phone: 06 957 9002

Balustrade by Bernini and High Altar

The pilgrims Giorgi and De Sclavis follow the Sacred Image across the Adriatic

Frescoes in the Chapel of the Sacred Image

Frecoes in the High Altar

Parish Church Saint Mary of Good Counsel
 Address: Via Tuscolana, 613, 00174 Roma RM
 Phone: 06 761 5425 - Images
Croberto68, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Good Counsel Church
 Address: Via del Buon Consiglio, 19-15, 00184 Roma RM - Image

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via Appia Nuova, 1267, 00178 Roma RM

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via Anselmo Banduri, 00119 Roma RM

Our Lady of Good Counsel in Via della Camilluccia
Address: Via della Camilluccia, 147, 00135 Roma RM

~ Sacred newsstands of the Good Council Rome ~
 Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via Cavour &, Via dell'Agnello, 00184 Roma - Rm
  Google image Stefano Manzo

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule
Address: Piazza Mazzini corner Viale Mazzini, 00195 Roma - Rm

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Via di Monserrato, 125, 00186 Roma RM
 Image Google Maurizio Faraone

Sacred Edicule Crowned Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via di Monserrato, 13, 00186 Roma RM
Google Image Stefano Manzo

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Largo del Pallaro &, Via di Grotta Pinta, 00186 Roma
Google Image Stefano Manzo

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Via della Pilotta, 18, 00187 Roma RM
Google image street view

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Via dei Fienaroli, 19, 00153 Roma RM
Google image Stefano Manzo

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Vicolo del Bologna, 22, 00153 Roma RM
Google image Stefano Manzo

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Via dell'Olmata, 18, 00184 Roma RM

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Via della Purificazione, 46, 00187 Roma RM

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address: Piazza Trilussa, 42, 00153 Roma RM

Our Lady of Good Counsel Edicule

Address Via del Buon Consiglio, 19-15, 00184 Roma Rm

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via dei Montecatini, 14, 00186 Roma RM

google image Stefano Manzo

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via dei Pettinari & Piazza della Trinità dei Pellegrini, 00186 Roma RM

google image Stefano Bucciarelli

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Vicolo dei Panieri & Via dei Panieri, 00153 Roma RM

google image Stefano Manzo

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Via Roma, 00020- Arcinazzo Romano Rm

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Via Cave, 00030- Rocca di Cave Rm

Imagepinterest @saharahleo

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Via Provinciale, 00030- Castel San Pietro Romano Rm

Palestrina and Castel San Pietro the cities of Blessed Margherita Colonna

Sacred Edicule Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 00039- Zagarolo Rm

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via del Pavone, 66, 00063 Campagnano di Roma RM – Google image Andrea Pesci

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Via M. Buonarroti, 2, 00040 Colle di Fuori - Rm (Comune di Rocca Priora)
 Telefono: 06 946 1361
  Google image Alan

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: Via Casilina 8, 00030 Labico – Roma

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel

Address: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 130, 00040 Lariano Rm Telefono: 345 915 4371 - Images

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Address: SP91a, 14, 00030 Forma, Montelanico – Roma
 Image from -

Blessed Virgin Mary of Good Counsel
Address:  03029, Scifelli - Frosinone

Mother of Good Counsel known as Our Lady of Apples
Address: Via Vicenne, p.le Suor Elena Mattiucci, 23, 03039, 03039 Sora - Frosinone
 Phone: 340 561 1921 -  Google image Marco Simone

Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel
Address: Via Roma, 27, 02020 Vaccareccia – Rieti
 Google image Marco Palmieri

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
subsidiary church
Collecarino - Arpino (Frosinone)
Parish of Santa Maria del Carmine
Ecclesiastical Region Lazio - Diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel

 Rectory Church
Via Selvatico - Artena (Rome)
Parish of Santa Maria di Gesu
Ecclesiastical region Lazio - Diocese of Velletri-Segni

Church of the Holy Mother of Good Counsel
Address: Via Tre Cancelli Piscina, 40, 00048 Nettuno RM
 google street view

Confraternity of Our Lady of Good Counsel in San Polo dei Cavalieri (Rome)
 Historic annual pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Genazzano
Address: Via Dante Alighieri, 24, 00010 San Polo dei Cavalieri RM - Telephone: 380 907 9329

Icon of the Mother of Good Counsel
Pediatric Hospital Emergency Room
Baby Jesus (Rome)
Address: Piazza di Sant'Onofrio, 4, 00165 Rome
This Image is intended to represent all the Icons of the Sweetest Mother
present in hospitals, homes and workplaces all over the world
everywhere there is a need for the reassurance of His sweet gaze
of its Council.

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