Emilia Romagna - Atlas of Good Counsel

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Emilia Romagna
Church of the Holy Mother of Good Counsel
 Address: Via XXI Ottobre 1944, 4/2, 40055 Castenaso - Bologna
 phone: 051 788548

Oratory of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Opium
Subsidiary Oratory
Massa Lombarda (Ravenna)
Parish of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mary in San Giacomo di Fruge Diocese of Imola
- Ecclesiastical region - Emilia Romagna
Image Beweb.chiesacattolica.it
Oratory of the Blessed Virgin
of Good Counsel
Subsidiary Oratory
Via F. Miselli- Reggio Nell'Emilia (Re)
Parish of Santa Maria Assunta
Ecclesiastical Region Emilia Romagna - Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla
Tourer.it images from the Italian churches census

Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of Good Counsel
Subsidiary Oratory
Masonte - Gaggio Montano (BO)
Parish of Saints Michael the Archangel and Nazario of Gaggio Montano
Diocese of Bologna Ecclesiastical region - Emilia Romagna.

Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
to the Villas
subsidiary church
Verghereto (Forlì-Cesena)
Parish of Santa Maria in Trivio in Montecoronaro
Ecclesiastical Region Emilia Romagna Diocese of - Cesena Sarsina

Oratory of the Holy Mother of Good Counsel
Subsidiary Oratory
Architectural assets
Address: Piazza XXIV Maggio - Monzuno (Bologna)
Parish of San Giovanni Evangelista of Monzuno
Diocese of Bologna Ecclesiastical region Emilia Romagna
Image Beweb.chiesacattolica.it

Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of Good Counsel 
and the Guardian Angel
subsidiary church
Nibbiano (PC)
Parish of St. Martin Bishop
Diocese of Piacenza – Bobbio Ecclesiastical Region of Emilia Romagna

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